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Monday, August 30, 2010

Aloha Game Week!!!

Woo hoo, game week is FINALLY Here!

Admittedly, this season will be somewhat tempered due to NCAA sanctions and the fact that our beloved Trojans will not be eligible for a bowl game this year (and perhaps next depending on USC's appeal). No matter, the Trojans can do what Auburn did a number of years ago and go undefeated and have a remote chance at the AP National Championship which the Trojans are eligible for.

There has been an interesting development on the sanctions front, apparently NCAA henchman Paul Dee who was head of the Committee of Infractions that dropped the hammer on USC may be in some very deep doo doo! Apparently, a new tell-all book by Miami booster Nevin Shapiro will describe how much money and gifts he shelled out to over 100 University of Miami players. This would be significant because 1) Shapiro was such a prominant booster that he has a building on campus named after him and 2) Paul Dee was the Athletic Director from 1993 to 2008 and the book details all the wrongdoings by this booster from 2001 to 2009, which would fall directly under his watch!

Wouldn't it be something if the allegations that Shapiro makes are true and would completely expose Dee and his "High profile athletes deserve high profile compliance," mantra? Imagine if the allegations are true, and according to Dee with regards to Reggie Bush and USC, who stripped the Trojans 30 scholarships because "we estimate 30 kids went to USC because of Reggie Bush." If the allegations are true, then the Miami program would need the Death Penalty because these wrongdoings were occuring while the program was under probation and would be a repeat offender AND because Dee's own compliance department couldn't sniff out someone right under their own noses, while USC was hammered because they failed to know what Reggie and his parents were doing with agents away from campus.

If USC and the Freeh Group are smart, they will immediately be on the NCAA about this behind the scenes and threatening a HUGE lawsuit that exposes Dee and the COI as imcompetent and biased especially sionce Shapiro was paying Cane players during the Reggie Bush investigation and right under Dee's nose/

Here is the Miami Herald article:

"New book to allege violations made by University of Miami football."

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